Since its inception in 2020, “Amar Aditi,” under the dynamic leadership of Mohib Ullah and the editorial prowess of Muruli Boruah, has been unwavering in its commitment to deliver unbiased, insightful, and thought-provoking journalism. Week after week, we have strived to bring our readers the most authentic stories, resonating with the pulse of the nation.
With a firm belief in the power of truth, we have endeavored to shed light on both the triumphs and the challenges facing our society. Through our pages, we have celebrated the triumphs of the human spirit and fearlessly questioned the status quo.
In an age where misinformation abounds, “Amar Aditi” stands tall as a beacon of integrity, dedicated to upholding the highest journalistic standards. As we continue our journey, we renew our pledge to serve as the voice of the people and the watchdog of democracy.
Join us every week as we unfold the layers of truth and bring you stories that matter. Together, let’s embark on a journey of knowledge, enlightenment, and empowerment.
Publisher Details:-
Owner, Publisher and printer, Mohib Ullah, Published from A.T. Road Lakhinagar Chariali, Haibargaon, Nagaon, Assam, Pin- 782002 & Printed at J.N. Printing House, M.D. Road, Nagaon, Assam, Pin-782001
- Nagaon Address – A.T. Road Lakhinagar Chariali, Haibargaon, Nagaon, Assam.
- Guwahati Address – Pensionpara Road, Goswami Service, Silpukhuri, Guwahati.
- Website –
- Mail-ID – [email protected]
Mohib Ullah
With Experience of over 23 years of Journalism, Mohib Ullah has worked tirelessly to provide the truth to our society. With the initiative to enlighten our society with the truth, Mohib Ullah has started his own weekly “Amar Aditi”
Managing Editor:-
Muruli Baruah is a senior Journalist, hailing from Nagaon, with an experience of over 27 years, over 600+ articles published till now, over three books published(Shorobidhyo Ananya, Bibid Proshongo, Corona- Shashrudhdha Samayar Dostabez) and edited over 6 books, has come forward to work as a managing editor for “Amar Aditi” to embark light on the triumphs and misdeeds of the society in it’s truest form.